

Circulation By Graham Fulton Clochoderick Press, 2018
75 pages, £7.99
ISBN 978-1-912345-02-1

Circulation is less a stream of consciousness than an explosion throwing experiences, observations and mini-universes into the air to see what happens as they soar and spin. Dark arteries of poetry with veins and capillaries flowing you out of the comfort zone into unexpected and thought-tangling corners, places not often visited, magic encounters never to be explained. Poems about breath and blood, trains and food, bombs and bins. Rats and foxes, innocent children, paper clips and wrinkly poets. Everything moving in restless eddies of colour, sense and sound. Paisley vampires and Pied Pipers leading you everywhere and nowhere, and back to the start.

Fulton's poetry is often celebratory and life-affirming, even at its most satirical ... proof of a relevant, resilient and versatile voice at work on the fringes and centres of society. I admire how no one is sacred in Fulton's poetry, and while his tone can be sardonic, it is also invariably sympathetic. Fulton has done here what he's always done and will go on doing'.

Richie McCaffery, The Bottle Imp

It is important to add that this voice has never been and never will be Glaswegian. This is Paisley in all its strange glory, eccentric waywardness and accidental majesty ... alternative ways of seeing, moments when things become different'

David Manderson, Laldy! magazine

He is always on the side of tolerance, generosity, modesty; all those higher functions of the mind our culture constantly demeans. The sense that permeates his work is of just hanging on, of finding just enough space and will to keep going'

Alan Dent, Mistress Quickly's Bed

Fulton manages to not look away and sees with compassion and humour the inarticulate comedy and tragedy of the lives of people without social, cultural or financial capital. He also takes it to another level with an incredible free-wheeling imaginative freedom, a savouring of the sounds and rhythms of the West Coast Scottish urban vernacular and a real mastery of voice'

Morag Smith, Glasgow Review of Books

Graham Fulton Poetry From Scotland